hic3defdr.plotting.roc module

hic3defdr.plotting.roc.plot_roc(eval_results, labels, colors=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots an ROC curve from a list of eval.npz-style results.

  • eval_results (list of dict-like) – The dicts should have keys ‘thresh’, ‘fpr’, and ‘tpr’ whose values are parallel vectors describing the thresholds, FPR, and TPR to use for the ROC curve. Each dict in the list represents a different ROC curve which will be overlayed in the plot.
  • labels (list of str) – List of labels parallel to eval_results providing names for each curve.
  • colors (list of valid matplotlib colors, optional) – Colors for each ROC curve. Pass None to automatically assign colors.
  • kwargs (kwargs) – Typical plotter kwargs.

The axis plotted on.

Return type:

pyplot axis