Source code for hic3defdr.util.matrices

from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from scipy.ndimage import zoom

[docs]def deconvolute(matrix, bias, invert=False): """ Applies bias factors to a sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix : scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix to bias. Will be converted to CSR by this function. bias : np.ndarray The dense bias vector. invert : bool Whether or not to invert the bias before applying it. By default this function multiplies the matrix by the bias. Infinite bias (1 / 0) will be converted to zero bias to allow rows with infinite bias to be dropped from the resulting sparse matrix. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.csr_matrix The deconvoluted matrix. """ csr = matrix.tocsr() if invert: inf_idx = bias == 0 bias[inf_idx] = 1 bias = 1 / bias bias[inf_idx] = 0 bias_csr = sparse.diags([bias], [0]) biased_csr = biased_csr = return biased_csr
[docs]def wipe_distances(matrix, min_dist, max_dist): """ Eliminates entries from a sparse matrix outside of a specified distance range. Parameters ---------- matrix : scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix to wipe. Will be converted to COO by this function. min_dist, max_dist : int The minimum and maximum distance allowed, respectively, in bin units. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The wiped matrix. """ coo = matrix.tocoo() dist = coo.col - coo.row[(dist < min_dist) | (dist > max_dist)] = 0 coo.eliminate_zeros() return coo
[docs]def sparse_intersection(fnames, bias=None): """ Computes the intersection set of (row, col) pairs across multiple sparse matrices. Parameters ---------- fnames : list of str File paths to sparse matrices loadable by ``scipy.sparse.load_npz()``. Will be converted to COO by this function. bias : np.ndarray, optional Pass the bias matrix to drop rows and columns with bias factors of zero in any replicate. Returns ------- row, col : np.ndarray The intersection set of (row, col) pairs. """ csr_sum_coo = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, ((deconvolute(sparse.load_npz(fname), bias[:, i]) > 0).astype(int) for i, fname in enumerate(fnames))).tocoo() full_idx = == len(fnames) return csr_sum_coo.row[full_idx], csr_sum_coo.col[full_idx]
[docs]def sparse_union(fnames, dist_thresh=1000, bias=None, size_factors=None, mean_thresh=0.0): """ Computes the intersection set of (row, col) pairs across multiple sparse matrices. Parameters ---------- fnames : list of str File paths to sparse matrices loadable by ``scipy.sparse.load_npz()``. Will be converted to COO by this function. dist_thresh : int The maximum distance allowed, respectively, in bin units. bias : np.ndarray, optional Rectangular matrix containing bias factors for each bin (rows) and each replicate (columns). size_factors : np.ndarray, optional Size factors for each replicate. mean_thresh : float Minimum mean value (in normalized space) to keep pixels for. Returns ------- row, col : np.ndarray The union set of (row, col) pairs. """ if size_factors is None: size_factors = np.ones(len(fnames)) csr_sum_coo = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, (wipe_distances((deconvolute(sparse.load_npz(fname), bias[:, i], invert=True) if bias is not None else sparse.load_npz(fname)) / size_factors[i], 0, dist_thresh) for i, fname in enumerate(fnames))).tocoo() full_idx = ( >= len(fnames)*mean_thresh) \ & np.isfinite( return csr_sum_coo.row[full_idx], csr_sum_coo.col[full_idx]
[docs]def select_matrix(row_slice, col_slice, row, col, data, symmetrize=True): """ Slices out a dense matrix from COO-formatted sparse data, filling empty values with ``np.nan``. Parameters ---------- row_slice, col_slice : slice Row and column slice to use, respectively. row, col, data : np.ndarray COO-format sparse matrix to be sliced. symmetrize : bool Pass True to fill in lower-triangle points of the matrix. Returns ------- np.ndarray Dense matrix. """ r_start, r_stop = row_slice.start, row_slice.stop c_start, c_stop = col_slice.start, col_slice.stop idx = (row >= r_start) & (row < r_stop) & (col >= c_start) & (col < c_stop) matrix = np.ones((r_stop - r_start, c_stop - c_start)) * np.nan matrix[row[idx]-r_start, col[idx]-c_start] = data[idx] if symmetrize: t_idx = (col >= r_start) & (col < r_stop) & (row >= c_start) & \ (row < c_stop) matrix[col[t_idx]-r_start, row[t_idx]-c_start] = data[t_idx] return matrix
[docs]def dilate(matrix, doublings): """ Doubles the "resolution" of a matrix using nearest-neighbor interpolation. Parameters ---------- matrix : np.ndarray Input matrix. doublings : int The number of times the resolution will be doubled. Returns ------- np.ndarray The dilated matrix. """ for _ in range(doublings): matrix = zoom(matrix, 2, order=0) return matrix