Source code for hic3defdr.analysis.core

import numpy as np
import dill as pickle

from hic3defdr.util.matrices import select_matrix

[docs]class CoreHiC3DeFDR(object): """ Mixin class providing core saving and loading functionality for HiC3DeFDR. """ @property def picklefile(self): return '%s/pickle' % self.outdir
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, outdir): """ Loads a HiC3DeFDR analysis object from disk. It is safe to have multiple instances of the same analysis open at once. Parameters ---------- outdir : str Folder path to where the HiC3DeFDR was saved. Returns ------- HiC3DeFDR The loaded object. """ with open('%s/pickle' % outdir, 'rb') as handle: return cls(outdir=outdir, **pickle.load(handle))
[docs] def load_bias(self, chrom): """ Loads the bias matrix for one chromosome. The rows of the bias matrix correspond to bin indices along the chromosome. The columns correspond to the replicates. The bias factors for bins that fail ``bias_thresh`` are set to zero. This is designed so that all pixels in these bins get dropped during union pixel set computation. Parameters ---------- chrom : str The name of the chromosome to load the bias matrix for. Returns ------- np.ndarray The bias matrix. """ bias = np.array([np.loadtxt(pattern.replace('<chrom>', chrom)) for pattern in self.bias_patterns]).T bias[(np.any(bias < self.bias_thresh, axis=1)) | (np.any(bias > 1. / self.bias_thresh, axis=1)), :] = 0 return bias
[docs] def load_data(self, name, chrom=None, idx=None, rep=None, cond=None, coo=False): """ Loads arbitrary data for one chromosome or all chromosomes. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the data to load. chrom : str, optional The name of the chromosome to load data for. Pass None if this data is not organized by chromosome. Pass 'all' to load data for all chromosomes. idx : np.ndarray or tuple of np.ndarray, optional Pass a boolean array to load only a subset of the data. Pass a tuple of exactly two boolean arrays to chain the indices. rep : str, optional If the data is a (pixels, reps) rectangular array, pass the name of a rep to get a (pixels,) vector of data for just that rep. cond : str, optional If the data is a (pixels, conds) rectangular array, pass the name of a condition to get a (pixels,) vector of data for just that condition. coo : bool Pass True to return a COO-format ``(row, col, data)`` tuple of ``np.ndarray``. ``chrom`` cannot be 'all', and ``idx`` must be None (this function will handle filtering automatically). Returns ------- data or (concatenated_data, offsets) or (row, col, data) : np.ndarray The loaded data for one chromosome, or a tuple of the concatenated data and an array of offsets per chromosome. ``offsets`` satisfies the following properties: ``offsets[0] == 0``, ``offsets[-1] == concatenated_data.shape[0]``, and ``concatenated_data[offsets[i]:offsets[i+1], :]`` contains the data for the ``i``th chromosome. If called with ``coo=True``, this function returns a COO-format ``(row, col, data)`` tuple of ``np.ndarray``. """ # short-circuit when asking for loop_idx when no loop_patterns exist if name == 'loop_idx' and self.loop_patterns is None and idx is None \ and chrom != 'all': disp_idx = np.load_data('disp_idx', chrom) return np.ones(disp_idx.sum(), dtype=bool) # resolve col_idx col_idx = if rep is not None \ else if cond is not None \ else None # handle coo if coo: if chrom == 'all' or idx is not None: raise ValueError("cannot pass coo=True with chrom='all' or idx") if name in ['row', 'col', 'bias', 'cov_per_bin', 'disp_per_bin']: raise ValueError('data with name %s cannot be loaded as COO' % name) if name in ['raw', 'size_factors', 'scaled', 'disp_idx']: row = self.load_data('row', chrom) col = self.load_data('col', chrom) elif name in ['loop_idx', 'disp', 'mu_hat_null', 'mu_hat_alt', 'llr', 'pvalues']: disp_idx = self.load_data('disp_idx', chrom) row = self.load_data('row', chrom, idx=disp_idx) col = self.load_data('col', chrom, idx=disp_idx) elif name in ['qvalues']: disp_idx = self.load_data('disp_idx', chrom) loop_idx = self.load_data('loop_idx', chrom) row = self.load_data('row', chrom, idx=(disp_idx, loop_idx)) col = self.load_data('col', chrom, idx=(disp_idx, loop_idx)) else: raise ValueError('data name %s not recognized' % name) data = self.load_data(name, chrom) if col_idx is not None: return row, col, data[:, col_idx] return row, col, data # index chaining if type(idx) == tuple: big_idx, small_idx = idx big_idx = big_idx.copy() big_idx[np.where(big_idx)[0][~small_idx]] = False idx = big_idx # tackle simple cases first if chrom is None: fname = '%s/%s.npy' % (self.outdir, name) elif chrom != 'all': fname = '%s/%s_%s.npy' % (self.outdir, name, chrom) else: fname = None if fname is not None: if idx is None: data = np.load(fname) if col_idx is not None: return data[:, col_idx] return data else: data = np.load(fname, mmap_mode='r') if col_idx is not None: return data[idx, col_idx] return data[idx] # idx is genome-wide, this tracks where we are in idx so that we can # find a subset of idx that aligns with the current chrom idx_offset = 0 # list of data arrays per chromosome all_data = [] # running total of the sizes of the elements of all data offset = 0 # saves value of offset after each chrom offsets = [0] # loop over chroms for chrom in self.chroms: fname = '%s/%s_%s.npy' % (self.outdir, name, chrom) if idx is not None: data = np.load(fname, mmap_mode='r') full_data_size = data.shape[0] data = data[idx[idx_offset:idx_offset+full_data_size]] idx_offset += full_data_size else: data = np.load(fname) offset += data.shape[0] offsets.append(offset) all_data.append(data) all_data = np.concatenate(all_data) if col_idx is not None: return all_data[:, col_idx], np.array(offsets) return all_data, np.array(offsets)
[docs] def save_data(self, data, name, chrom=None): """ Saves arbitrary data for one chromosome to disk. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray The data to save. name : str The name of the data to save. chrom : str or np.ndarray, optional The name of the chromosome to save data for, or None if this data is not organized by chromosome. Pass an np.ndarray of offsets to save data for all chromosomes. """ if chrom is None:'%s/%s.npy' % (self.outdir, name), data) elif isinstance(chrom, np.ndarray): for i, c in enumerate(self.chroms): self.save_data(data[chrom[i]:chrom[i + 1]], name, c) else:'%s/%s_%s.npy' % (self.outdir, name, chrom), data)
[docs] def load_disp_fn(self, cond): """ Loads the fitted dispersion function for a specific condition from disk. Parameters ---------- cond : str The condition to load the dispersion function for. Returns ------- function Vectorized. Takes in the value of the covariate the dispersion was fitted against and returns the appropriate dispersion. """ picklefile = '%s/disp_fn_%s.pickle' % (self.outdir, cond) with open(picklefile, 'rb') as handle: return pickle.load(handle)
[docs] def save_disp_fn(self, cond, disp_fn): """ Saves the fitted dispersion function for a specific condition and chromosome to disk. Parameters ---------- cond : str The condition to save the dispersion function for. disp_fn : function The dispersion function to save. """ picklefile = '%s/disp_fn_%s.pickle' % (self.outdir, cond) with open(picklefile, 'wb') as handle: return pickle.dump(disp_fn, handle, -1)
[docs] def get_matrix(self, name, chrom, row_slice, col_slice, rep=None, cond=None): """ Loads data with ``name`` as a dense matrix specified by ``chrom, row_slice, col_slice``. Parameters ---------- name : str The name (stage) of the data to load. Add a special suffix '_mean' to average per-rep stages within condtiions. chrom : str The chromosome to select data from. row_slice, col_slice : slice Row and column slice to use, respectively. rep, cond : str, optional Pass the rep name or condition name if the data specified by ``name`` has multiple columns. Returns ------- np.ndarray The selected dense matrix. """ if name.endswith('_mean'): reps =[[cond]].index.tolist() return np.mean( [self.get_matrix(name.strip('_mean'), chrom, row_slice, col_slice, rep=r) for r in reps], axis=0 ) return select_matrix( row_slice, col_slice, *self.load_data(name, chrom, rep=rep, cond=cond, coo=True) )