
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project attempts to adhere to Semantic Versioning.

0.2.1 - 2020-05-03


  • A license (MIT).
  • Utilty functions for APA plots in hic3defdr.util.apa with a corresponding demo in docs/apa.rst.
  • Utility function for importing loop calls from HiCCUPS in hic3defdr.util.clusters.hiccups_to_clusters().


  • Demos now run as tests within the readme tox environments.
  • Release pipeline no longer creates any artifacts, see comments on this commit.

0.2.0 - 2020-03-13

This version adds Python 3 support!


  • A new utility module to load demo data (hic3defdr.util.demo_data), see #39.
  • New utility modules to handle balancing of simulated datasets (hic3defdr.util.balancing, hic3defdr.util.banded_matrix, and hic3defdr.util.filtering), see #40.


  • numpy arrays containing strings now use a “U”-based dtype.


  • Bumped minimum lib5c dependency to 0.6.0.
  • Version information is now provided by setuptools-scm instead of versioneer.
  • Added Sphinx documentation and readthedocs configuration to build it.
  • Linting, testing, running the README, and building docs are now all handled using tox.
  • Reworked Docker image build, see creminslab/lib5c#57.

0.1.1 - 2020-02-27

Streamlined data loading, see #19.


  • A new convenience function HiC3DeFDR.get_matrix() which selects a dense matrix slice for any stage of the data in one line.
  • A new convenience kwarg coo on HiC3DeFDR.load_data() which (when True) causes the function to return a COO-format row, col, data tuple that’s guaranteed to be aligned for any stage of the data.
  • New convenience kwargs rep and cond on HiC3DeFDR.load_data() which allow selecting the right column of rectangular data stages by name automatically (i.e., without having to manually compute rep_idx ).
  • The stage kwarg of HiC3DeFDR.plot_heatmap() can now be any stage, including ‘qvalues’. This allows easy plotting of heatmaps showing the significance of each pixel. An example showing how to do this has been added to the README.


  • The signature of HiC3DeFDR.plot_heatmap() has been reworked so that rep is now a kwarg instead of the first positional arg.
  • The signature of hic3defdr.plotting.heatmap.plot_heatmap() has been reworked so that it accepts a dense matrix matrix as the first positional arg instead of row, col, data, row_slice, col_slice. Clients are expected to use hic3defdr.util.matrix.select_matrix() to get the dense matrix before calling plot_heatmap().
  • HiC3DeFDR.load_data('loop_idx', ...) now returns a vector of True if loop_patterns was not passed to the HiC3DeFDR constructor.

0.1.0 - 2020-02-12

Adds a first draft of TSV output tables.


  • This changelog!
  • The pipeline now generates a final table of loop calls as requested by #23.
    • Added a new pipeline step HiC3DeFDR.collect() - we now recommend running this instead of HiC3DeFDR.classify().
    • Added a new utility module hic3defdr.util.cluster_table to support creating tabular files summarizing cluster information
    • Added a few new functions in hic3defdr.util.clusters as well as some better test coverage in this module.
    • The README has been updated to cover this new step and output format.


  • Renamed hic3defdr.util.logging to hic3defdr.util.printing to avoid a rare name clash bug related to this issue, see #28


0.0.9 - 2019-11-26

First official release, corresponds to what was used in the second submission of the related manuscript.