Making APA plots

We’ll start off with some imports:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import scipy.sparse as sparse
>>> from straw import straw
>>> from hic3defdr.util.clusters import hiccups_to_clusters
>>> from hic3defdr.util.apa import make_apa_stack

To keep things reasonably fast, we will run our analysis at 25 kb resolution:

>>> res = 25000

We will download loop calls from the Rao et al. 2014 GEO submission and convert it to our cluster format.

>>> from six.moves.urllib.request import urlretrieve
>>> _, _ = urlretrieve('', 'loops.gz')
>>> clusters = hiccups_to_clusters('loops.gz', res)

We will get the 25 kb resolution, KR-balanced cis matrix for chr21 from the same dataset and load it as a CSR matrix:

>>> hic_file = ''
>>> row, col, data = map(np.array, straw('KR', hic_file, '21', '21', 'BP', res))
HiC version:  7
>>> csr = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row // res, col // res))).tocsr()

Finally, we will plot the APA plot of the called clusters on chr21:

>>> _ = plt.imshow(
...     np.nanmean(make_apa_stack(csr, clusters['chr21'], 11), axis=0),
...     cmap='Reds',
...     vmin=0,
...     vmax=600
... )
>>> plt.savefig('images/apa.png')

To clean up, we can delete the loops we downloaded:

>>> import os
>>> os.remove('loops.gz')