Source code for hic3defdr.analysis.plotting

import numpy as np

from lib5c.algorithms.correlation import \
from lib5c.plotters.correlation import plot_correlation_matrix

from hic3defdr.plotting.distance_dependence import plot_dd_curves
from hic3defdr.plotting.histograms import plot_pvalue_histogram
from hic3defdr.plotting.dispersion import plot_mvr, plot_ddr
from import plot_ma
from hic3defdr.plotting.grid import plot_grid
from hic3defdr.plotting.heatmap import plot_heatmap

[docs]class PlottingHiC3DeFDR(object): """ Mixin class containing plotting functions for HiC3DeFDR. """
[docs] def plot_dd_curves(self, chrom, log=True, **kwargs): """ Plots the distance dependence curve before and after size factor adjustment. Parameters ---------- chrom : str The name of the chromosome to plot the curve for. log : bool Whether or not to log the axes of the plot. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # load everything bias = self.load_bias(chrom) row = self.load_data('row', chrom) col = self.load_data('col', chrom) raw = self.load_data('raw', chrom) scaled = self.load_data('scaled', chrom) # compute balanced balanced = np.zeros_like(raw, dtype=float) for r in range([0]): balanced[:, r] = raw[:, r] / (bias[row, r] * bias[col, r]) return plot_dd_curves(row, col, balanced, scaled,, log=log, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_dispersion_fit(self, cond, xaxis='dist', yaxis='disp', dist_max=None, scatter_fit=-1, scatter_size=36, distance=None, hexbin=False, logx=False, logy=False, **kwargs): """ Plots a hexbin plot of pixel-wise distance vs either dispersion or variance, overlaying the estimated and fitted dispersions. Parameters ---------- cond : str The name of the chromosome and condition, respectively, to plot the fit for. xaxis : 'mean' or 'dist' What to plot on the x-axis. yaxis : 'disp' or 'var' What to plot on the y-axis. dist_max : int If ``xaxis`` is 'dist', the maximum distance to include on the plot in bin units. Pass None to use ``self.dist_thresh_max``. scatter_fit : int Pass a nonzero integer to draw the fitted dispersions passed in ``disp`` as a scatterplot of ``scatter_fit`` selected points. Pass -1 to plot the fitted dispersions passed in ``disp`` as a curve. Pass 0 to omit plotting the dispersion estimates altogether. scatter_size : int The marker size when plotting scatterplots. distance : int, optional Pick a specific distance in bin units to plot only interactions at that distance. hexbin : bool Pass False to skip plotting the hexbin plot, leaving only the estimated variances or dispersions. logx, logy : bool Whether or not to log the x- or y-axis, respectively. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # short circuit to plot_ddr() if possible if xaxis == 'dist' and yaxis == 'disp' and scatter_fit == -1 \ and distance is None and hexbin is False and logx is False \ and logy is False: return self.plot_ddr(cond, dist_max=dist_max, scatter_size=scatter_size, **kwargs) # resolve max_dist if dist_max is None: dist_max = self.dist_thresh_max # identify cond_idx cond_idx = # load everything disp_idx, _ = self.load_data('disp_idx', 'all') scaled = self.load_data( 'scaled', 'all', idx=disp_idx)[0][:,[cond]] disp = self.load_data('disp', 'all')[0][:, cond_idx] try: disp_per_dist = self.load_data('disp_per_dist')[:, cond_idx] idx = np.isfinite(disp_per_dist) disp_per_bin = disp_per_dist[idx] dist_per_bin = np.arange(self.dist_thresh_max + 1)[idx] except IOError: disp_per_bin = None dist_per_bin = None row, _ = self.load_data('row', 'all', idx=disp_idx) col, _ = self.load_data('col', 'all', idx=disp_idx) dist = col - row # compute mean and sample variance mean = np.mean(scaled, axis=1) var = np.var(scaled, ddof=1, axis=1) # resolve distance if distance is not None: dist_idx = dist == distance mean = mean[dist_idx] var = var[dist_idx] dist = None disp = np.ones(dist_idx.sum()) * disp_per_dist[distance] dist_per_bin = None disp_per_bin = None fit_align_dist = False else: fit_align_dist = xaxis == 'mean' or yaxis == 'var' return plot_mvr( pixel_mean=mean, pixel_var=var, pixel_dist=dist, pixel_disp_fit=disp, dist_per_bin=dist_per_bin, disp_per_bin=disp_per_bin, fit_align_dist=fit_align_dist, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, dist_max=dist_max, mean_min=self.mean_thresh, scatter_fit=scatter_fit, scatter_size=scatter_size, hexbin=hexbin, logx=logx, logy=logy, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot_ddr(self, cond, dist_max=None, scatter_size=36, **kwargs): """ Fast alternative to plot_dispersion_fit() that only supports plotting distance versus dispersion, with no hexbin or ``scatter_points`` support. Parameters ---------- cond : str The name of the chromosome and condition, respectively, to plot the fit for. dist_max : int If ``xaxis`` is 'dist', the maximum distance to include on the plot in bin units. Pass None to use ``self.dist_thresh_max``. scatter_size : int The marker size when plotting scatterplots. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # resolve max_dist if dist_max is None: dist_max = self.dist_thresh_max # identify cond_idx cond_idx = # load everything disp_per_dist = self.load_data('disp_per_dist')[:, cond_idx] idx = np.isfinite(disp_per_dist) disp_per_bin = disp_per_dist[idx] dist_per_bin = np.arange(self.dist_thresh_max + 1)[idx] disp_fn = self.load_disp_fn(cond) # plot return plot_ddr(dist_per_bin, disp_per_bin, disp_fn, scatter_size=scatter_size, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_pvalue_distribution(self, idx='disp', **kwargs): """ Plots the p-value distribution across all chromosomes. Parameters ---------- idx : {'disp', 'loop'} Pass 'disp' to plot p-values for all points for which dispersion was estimated. Pass 'loop' to plot p-values for all points which are in loops (available only if ``loop_patterns`` was passed to the constructor). kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # load everything if idx == 'loop': loop_idx, _ = self.load_data('loop_idx', 'all') pvalues, _ = self.load_data('pvalues', 'all', idx=loop_idx) elif idx == 'disp': pvalues, _ = self.load_data('pvalues', 'all') else: raise ValueError('idx must be loop or disp') # plot return plot_pvalue_histogram(pvalues, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_qvalue_distribution(self, **kwargs): """ Plots the q-value distribution across all chromosomes. Parameters ---------- kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # load everything qvalues, _ = self.load_data('qvalues', 'all') # plot return plot_pvalue_histogram(qvalues, xlabel='qvalue', **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_ma(self, fdr=0.05, conds=None, include_non_loops=True, s=-1, nonloop_s=None, density_dpi=72, vmax=None, nonloop_vmax=None, ax=None, legend=True, **kwargs): """ Plots an MA plot for a given chromosome. Parameters ---------- fdr : float The threshold to use for labeling significantly differential loop pixels. conds : tuple of str, optional Pass a tuple of two condition names to compare those two conditions. Pass None to compare the first two conditions. include_non_loops : bool Whether or not to include non-looping pixels in the MA plot. s : float The marker size to use for the scatterplot, or -1 to use a scatter density plot. nonloop_s : float, optional Pass a separate marker size to use specifically for the non-loop pixels if `include_non_loops` is True. Useful for drawing just the non-loop pixels as a density by passing `s=1, nonloop_s=-1`. Pass None to use `s` as the size for both loop and non-loop pixels. density_dpi : int If `s` or `nonloop_s` are -1 this specifies the DPI to use for the density grid. vmax, nonloop_vmax : float, optional The vmax to use for `ax.scatter_density()` if `s` or `nonloop_s` is -1, respectively. Pass None to choose values automatically. ax : pyplot axis The axis to plot to. Must have been created with `projection='scatter_density'`. Pass None to create a new axis. legend : bool Pass True to add a legend. Note that passing `legend='outside'` is not supported. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # resolve conds if conds is None: conds =[:2] cond_idx = [ for cond in conds] # load data disp_idx, _ = self.load_data('disp_idx', 'all') loop_idx, _ = self.load_data('loop_idx', 'all') scaled, _ = self.load_data('scaled', 'all', idx=disp_idx) qvalues, _ = self.load_data('qvalues', 'all') # compute mean mean =, / np.sum(, axis=0).values mean = mean[:, cond_idx] # prepare sig_idx sig_idx = qvalues < fdr # stuff common kwargs into kwargs kwargs['names'] = conds kwargs['s'] = s kwargs['nonloop_s'] = nonloop_s kwargs['density_dpi'] = density_dpi kwargs['vmax'] = vmax kwargs['nonloop_vmax'] = vmax kwargs['ax'] = ax kwargs['legend'] = legend # plot if include_non_loops: plot_ma(mean, sig_idx, loop_idx=loop_idx, **kwargs) else: plot_ma(mean[loop_idx], sig_idx, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_correlation_matrix(self, stage='scaled', idx='loop', correlation='spearman', colorscale=(0.75, 1.0), **kwargs): """ Plots a matrix of pairwise correlations among all replicates. Parameters ---------- stage : {'raw', 'scaled'} Specify the stage of the data to compute correlations between. idx : {'disp', 'loop'} Pass 'disp' to compute correlations for all points for which dispersion was estimated. Pass 'loop' to compute correlations for all points which are in loops (available only if ``loop_patterns`` was passed to the constructor). correlation : {'spearman', 'pearson'} Which correlation coefficient to compute. colorscale : tuple of float The min and max values of the correlation to use to color the matrix. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # resolve idx if idx == 'disp': idx, _ = self.load_data('disp_idx', 'all') elif idx == 'loop': idx = ( self.load_data('disp_idx', 'all')[0], self.load_data('loop_idx', 'all')[0] ) else: raise ValueError('idx must be \'disp\' or \'loop\'') # load data data = self.load_data(stage, 'all', idx=idx)[0].T # plot return plot_correlation_matrix( make_pairwise_correlation_matrix_from_counts_matrix( data, correlation=correlation ),, colorscale=colorscale, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot_heatmap(self, chrom, row_slice, col_slice, stage='scaled', rep=None, cond=None, cmap='Reds', vmin=0, vmax=100, **kwargs): """ Plots a simple heatmap of a slice of the contact matrix. Parameters ---------- chrom : str The chromosome to plot. row_slice, col_slice : slice The row and column slice, respectively, to plot. stage : str The stage of the data to plot. rep, cond : str, optional Pass the rep name or condition name if the data specified by ``stage`` has multiple columns. cmap : matplotlib colormap or dict The colormap to use for the heatmap. vmin, vmax : float The vmin and vmax to use for the heatmap colorscale. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ plot_heatmap( self.get_matrix( stage, chrom, row_slice, col_slice, rep=rep, cond=cond), cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_grid(self, chrom, i, j, w, vmax=100, fdr=0.05, cluster_size=3, fdr_vmid=0.05, color_cycle=('blue', 'green', 'purple', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'red'), despine=False, **kwargs): """ Plots a combination visualization grid focusing on a specific pixel on a specific chromosome, combining heatmaps, cluster outlines, and stripplots. Parameters ---------- chrom : str The name of the chromosome to slice matrices from. i, j : int The row and column index of the pixel to focus on. w : int The size of the heatmap will be ``2*w + 1`` bins in each dimension. vmax : float The maximum of the colorscale to use when plotting normalized heatmaps. fdr : float The FDR threshold to use when outlining clusters. cluster_size : int The cluster size threshold to use when outlining clusters. fdr_vmid : float The FDR value at the middle of the colorscale used for plotting the q-value heatmap. color_cycle : list of matplotlib colors The color cycle to use over conditions. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis, grid of pyplot axes, function The first pyplot axis returned is injected by ``@plotter``. The grid of pyplot axes is the second return value from the call to ``plt.subplots()`` that is used to create the grid. The function takes two args, an FDR and a cluster size, and redraws the cluster outlines using the new parameters. """ # load everything row = self.load_data('row', chrom) col = self.load_data('col', chrom) raw = self.load_data('raw', chrom) scaled = self.load_data('scaled', chrom) disp_idx = self.load_data('disp_idx', chrom) loop_idx = self.load_data('loop_idx', chrom) mu_hat_alt = self.load_data('mu_hat_alt', chrom) mu_hat_null = self.load_data('mu_hat_null', chrom) qvalues = self.load_data('qvalues', chrom) return plot_grid(i, j, w, row, col, raw, scaled, mu_hat_alt, mu_hat_null, qvalues, disp_idx, loop_idx,, fdr, cluster_size, vmax=vmax, fdr_vmid=fdr_vmid, color_cycle=color_cycle, despine=despine, **kwargs)