Source code for hic3defdr.plotting.grid

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from lib5c.util.plotting import plotter
from lib5c.plotters.colormaps import get_colormap

from hic3defdr.util.matrices import dilate, select_matrix
from hic3defdr.util.thresholding import threshold_and_cluster, size_filter
from hic3defdr.util.clusters import clusters_to_coo
from hic3defdr.util.classification import classify
from hic3defdr.plotting.heatmap import plot_heatmap

[docs]@plotter def plot_grid(i, j, w, row, col, raw, scaled, mu_hat_alt, mu_hat_null, qvalues, disp_idx, loop_idx, design, fdr, cluster_size, vmax=100, fdr_vmid=0.05, color_cycle=('blue', 'green', 'purple', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'red'), despine=False, **kwargs): """ Plots a combination visualization grid focusing on a specific pixel on a specific chromosome, combining heatmaps, cluster outlines, and stripplots. Parameters ---------- i, j : int The row and column index of the pixel to focus on. w : int The size of the heatmap will be ``2*w + 1`` bins in each dimension. row, col : np.ndarray The row and column indices corresponding to the rows of the ``raw`` and ``scaled`` matrices. raw, scaled : np.ndarray The raw and scaled data for each pixel (rows) and each replicate (columns). mu_hat_alt, mu_hat_null : np.ndarray The estimated mean parameter under the alternate and null model, respectively. First dimension is pixels for which dispersion was estimated, whose row and column coordinates in the complete square matrix are given by ``row[disp_idx]`` and ``col[disp_idx]``, respectively. Columns of ``mu_hat_alt`` correspond to conditions, while ``mu_hat_null`` has no second dimension. qvalues : np.ndarray Vector of q-values called per pixel whose dispersion was estimated and which lies in a loop. The row and column coordinates in the complete square matrix are given by ``row[disp_idx][loop_idx]`` and ``col[disp_idx][loop_idx]``, respectively. disp_idx : np.ndarray Boolean matrix indicating which pixels in ``zip(row, col)`` had their dispersion estimated. loop_idx : np.ndarray Boolean matrix indicating which pixels in ``zip(row[disp_idx], col[disp_idx])`` lie within loops. design : pd.DataFrame Pass a DataFrame with boolean dtype whose rows correspond to replicates and whose columns correspond to conditions. Replicate and condition names will be inferred from the row and column labels, respectively. fdr : float The FDR threshold to use when outlining clusters. cluster_size : int The cluster size threshold to use when outlining clusters. vmax : float The maximum of the colorscale to use when plotting normalized heatmaps. fdr_vmid : float The FDR value at the middle of the colorscale used for plotting the q-value heatmap. color_cycle : list of matplotlib colors The color cycle to use over conditions. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis, grid of pyplot axes, function The first pyplot axis returned is injected by ``@plotter``. The grid of pyplot axes is the second return value from the call to ``plt.subplots()`` that is used to create the grid. The function takes two args, an FDR and a cluster size, and redraws the cluster outlines using the new parameters. """ # precompute some things max_reps = np.max(np.sum(design, axis=0)) idx = np.where((row[disp_idx] == i) & (col[disp_idx] == j))[0][0] extent = [-0.5, 2 * w + 0.5, -0.5, 2 * w + 0.5] rs, cs = slice(i - w, i + w + 1), slice(j - w, j + w + 1) f = raw[disp_idx] / scaled[disp_idx] n = max(row.max(), col.max()) + 1 mu_hat_alt_wide =, design.values.T) mean =, design) / np.sum(design, axis=0).values # set the color cycle over conditions cc = color_cycle # plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(design.shape[1] + 1, max_reps + 1, figsize=(design.shape[1] * 6, max_reps * 6)) bwr = get_colormap('bwr', set_bad='lightgray') red = get_colormap('Reds', set_bad='lightgray') plot_heatmap( select_matrix(rs, cs, row[disp_idx][loop_idx], col[disp_idx][loop_idx], -np.log10(qvalues)), cmap=bwr, vmax=-np.log10(fdr_vmid)*2, ax=ax[-1, 0] ) ax[-1, 0].set_title('qvalues') for c in range(design.shape[1]): plot_heatmap( select_matrix(rs, cs, row, col, mean[:, c]), cmap=red, vmax=vmax, ax=ax[c, 0] ) ax[c, 0].set_ylabel(design.columns[c]) ax_idx = 1 for r in range(design.shape[0]): if not design.values[r, c]: continue plot_heatmap( select_matrix(rs, cs, row, col, scaled[:, r]), cmap=red, vmax=vmax, ax=ax[c, ax_idx] ) ax[c, ax_idx].set_title(design.index[r]) ax_idx += 1 ax[0, 0].set_title('mean') for r in range(design.shape[1] + 1): for c in range(max_reps + 1): if r < design.shape[1] - 1: ax[r, c].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) if c > 0: ax[r, c].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) if r == design.shape[1] and c == 0: break sns.stripplot( data=[scaled[disp_idx, :][idx, design.values[:, c]] for c in range(design.shape[1])], palette=[cc[c % len(cc)] for c in range(design.shape[1])], ax=ax[-1, 1] ) for c in range(design.shape[1]): ax[-1, 1].hlines( mu_hat_alt_wide[idx, np.where(design.values[:, c])[0][0]], c - 0.1, c + 0.1, color=cc[c % len(cc)], label='alt' if c == 0 else None) ax[-1, 1].hlines( mu_hat_null[idx], c - 0.1, c + 0.1, color=cc[c % len(cc)], linestyles='--', label='null' if c == 0 else None) ax[-1, 1].set_xticklabels(design.columns.tolist()) ax[-1, 1].set_title('normalized values') ax[-1, 1].set_xlabel('condition') ax[-1, 1].legend() sns.despine(ax=ax[-1, 1]) sns.stripplot( data=[[raw[disp_idx, :][idx, r]] for r in range(design.shape[0])], palette=[cc[c % len(cc)] for c in np.where(design)[1]], ax=ax[-1, 2] ) for r in range(design.shape[0]): ax[-1, 2].hlines( mu_hat_alt_wide[idx, r] * f[idx, r], r - 0.1, r + 0.1, color=cc[np.where(design)[1][r] % len(cc)], label='alt' if r == 0 else None) ax[-1, 2].hlines( mu_hat_null[idx] * f[idx, r], r - 0.1, r + 0.1, color=cc[np.where(design)[1][r] % len(cc)], linestyles='--', label='null' if r == 0 else None) ax[-1, 2].set_xticklabels(design.index.tolist()) ax[-1, 2].set_title('raw values') ax[-1, 2].set_xlabel('replicate') ax[-1, 2].legend() sns.despine(ax=ax[-1, 2]) contours = [] clusters = {} def outline_clusters(fdr, cluster_size): if fdr not in clusters: clusters[fdr] = {} clusters[fdr]['base'] = threshold_and_cluster( qvalues, row[disp_idx][loop_idx], col[disp_idx][loop_idx], fdr) if cluster_size not in clusters[fdr]: clusters[fdr][cluster_size] = dict(zip( range(design.shape[1]), map(lambda x: clusters_to_coo(size_filter(x, cluster_size), (n, n)).tocsr()[rs, cs].toarray(), classify( row[disp_idx][loop_idx], col[disp_idx][loop_idx], mu_hat_alt[loop_idx], size_filter(clusters[fdr]['base'][0], cluster_size) )) )) clusters[fdr][cluster_size]['insig'] = clusters_to_coo( size_filter(clusters[fdr]['base'][1], cluster_size), (n, n)).tocsr()[rs, cs].toarray() if contours: for contour in contours: for coll in contour.collections: coll.remove() del contours[:] for c in range(design.shape[1]): contour = ax[-1, 0].contour( dilate(clusters[fdr][cluster_size][c], 2), [0.5], colors=cc[c % len(cc)], linewidths=3, extent=extent) contour.collections[0].set_label(design.columns[c]) contours.append(contour) contour = ax[-1, 0].contour( dilate(clusters[fdr][cluster_size]['insig'], 2), [0.5], colors='gray', linewidths=3, extent=extent) contour.collections[0].set_label('constitutive') contours.append(contour) for cond_idx in range(design.shape[1]): for c in range(design.shape[1]): contour = ax[cond_idx, 0].contour( dilate(clusters[fdr][cluster_size][c], 2), [0.5], colors=cc[c % len(cc)], linewidths=3, extent=extent) contour.collections[0].set_label(design.columns[c]) contours.append(contour) contour = ax[cond_idx, 0].contour( dilate(clusters[fdr][cluster_size]['insig'], 2), [0.5], colors='gray', linewidths=3, extent=extent) contour.collections[0].set_label('constitutive') contours.append(contour) outline_clusters(fdr, cluster_size) ax[-1, 0].legend(loc='lower left') return ax, outline_clusters