Source code for hic3defdr.util.clusters

import json
    import itertools.izip as zip
except ImportError:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from scipy.ndimage import generate_binary_structure

from lib5c.util.system import check_outdir

[docs]class DirectedDisjointSet(object): """ Based on but supporting directed edges. The overall effect is like a directed sparse graph - ``DDS.add(a, b)`` is like adding an edge from ``a`` to ``b``. ``a`` gets marked as a source, ``b`` does not (anything not in the set ``DDS.sources`` is assumed to be a destination). If ``b`` is in an existing group, but isn't also the source of any other edge, then the groups won't be merged. Finally, the groups returned by ``DDS.get_groups()`` will be filtered to include only source nodes. This is an "improved" or "streamlined" version where destination nodes are not stored anywhere if they haven't previously been seen as a source. """ def __init__(self): self.leader = {} # maps a member to the group's leader = {} # maps a group leader to the group (which is a set)
[docs] def add(self, a, b): leadera = self.leader.get(a) leaderb = self.leader.get(b) if leadera is not None: if leaderb is not None: # we've seen both members before, need to merge the groups if leadera == leaderb: return # nothing to do groupa =[leadera] groupb =[leaderb] if len(groupa) < len(groupb): a, leadera, groupa, b, leaderb, groupb = \ b, leaderb, groupb, a, leadera, groupa groupa |= groupb del[leaderb] for k in groupb: self.leader[k] = leadera else: # a has been seen before but b doesn't exist - do nothing return else: if leaderb is not None: # a hasn't been seen before but b exists - connect them[leaderb].add(a) self.leader[a] = leaderb else: # a hasn't been seen before and b doesn't exist # create a new group for a, ignore b self.leader[a] = a[a] = {a}
[docs] def get_groups(self): return list(
[docs]def find_clusters(sig_points, connectivity=1): """ Finds clusters of adjacent True points in a boolean matrix. Parameters ---------- sig_points : scipy.sparse.spmatrix or np.ndarray A boolean matrix indicating which points are significant. connectivity : int The connectivity to use when clustering. Returns ------- list of set of tuple of int The clusters. """ spmatrix = sparse.coo_matrix(sig_points) structure = generate_binary_structure(2, connectivity) xs, ys = np.where(structure) xs -= 1 ys -= 1 shifts = [np.array(c) for c in zip(xs, ys)] dds = DirectedDisjointSet() for c in zip(spmatrix.row, spmatrix.col): center = np.array(c) for shift in shifts: dds.add(tuple(center), tuple(center + shift)) return dds.get_groups()
[docs]class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Pass this to `json.dump()` to correctly serialize numpy values. Credit: """
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() else: return super(NumpyEncoder, self).default(obj)
[docs]def save_clusters(clusters, outfile): """ Saves cluster information to disk in sparse JSON format. Parameters ---------- clusters : np.ndarray or list of set of tuple of int If an `np.ndarray` is passed, it should be square and triangular and have int dtype. Entries should be the cluster id for points which belong to that cluster, zero everywhere else. If a list of sets is passed, the sets are clusters, the tuples are the indices of entries in that cluster. outfile : str File to write JSON output to. """ check_outdir(outfile) with open(outfile, 'w') as handle: if type(clusters) == np.ndarray: clusters = convert_cluster_array_to_sparse(clusters) json.dump([[[i, j] for i, j in c] for c in clusters], handle, cls=NumpyEncoder)
[docs]def convert_cluster_array_to_sparse(cluster_array): """ Converts an array of cluster information to a sparse, JSON-friendly format. Parameters ---------- cluster_array : np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix Square, triangular, int dtype. Entries should be the cluster id for points which belong to that cluster, zero everywhere else. Returns ------- list of sets of tuples of int The sets are clusters, tuples are the matrix indices of the pixels in that cluster. Notes ----- Since the introduction of `hiclite.util.clusters.find_clusters()`, this function is no longer used. """ obj = {} if isinstance(cluster_array, sparse.coo_matrix): x = cluster_array elif isinstance(cluster_array, sparse.spmatrix): x = cluster_array.tocoo() else: x = sparse.coo_matrix(cluster_array) for i, j, idx in zip(x.row, x.col, if not idx: continue if idx not in obj: obj[int(idx)] = set() obj[int(idx)].add((int(i), int(j))) return list(obj.values())
[docs]def load_clusters(infile): """ Loads clusters in a sparse format from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- infile : str The JSON file containing sparse cluster information. Returns ------- list of set of tuple of int The sets are clusters, the tuples are the indices of entries in that cluster. """ with open(infile, 'r') as handle: return [set([tuple(e) for e in cluster]) for cluster in json.load(handle)]
[docs]def clusters_to_coo(clusters, shape): """ Converts clusters (list of list of tuple) to a COO sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- clusters : list of list of tuple The outer list is a list of clusters. Each cluster is a list of (i, j) tuples marking the position of significant points which belong to that cluster. shape : tuple The shape with which to construct the COO matrix. Returns ------- scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The sparse matrix of significant points. Examples -------- >>> from hic3defdr.util.clusters import clusters_to_coo >>> coo = clusters_to_coo([[(1, 2), (1, 1)], [(4, 4), (3, 4)]], (5, 5)) >>> coo.toarray() array([[False, False, False, False, False], [False, True, True, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, True], [False, False, False, False, True]]) """ if not clusters: return sparse.coo_matrix(shape, dtype=bool) i, j = zip(*[loop for cluster in clusters for loop in cluster]) return sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(i), dtype=bool), (i, j)), shape=shape)
[docs]def clusters_to_pixel_set(clusters): """ Converts a list of clusters to a set of pixels. This function has no callers and is usually used as a one-liner. Parameters ---------- clusters : list of list of tuple The outer list is a list of clusters. Each cluster is a list of (i, j) tuples marking the position of significant points which belong to that cluster. Returns ------- set of tuple Each tuple is of the form (i, j) and marks the position of a significant point in the clustering. """ return set().union(*clusters)
[docs]def cluster_to_slices(cluster, width=21): """ Computes a square row and column slice of a specified width centered on a given cluster. Parameters ---------- cluster : list of tuple A list of (i, j) tuples marking the position of significant points which belong to the cluster. width : int Should be odd. Specifies the side length of the square slice. Returns ------- slice, slice The row and column slice, respectively. Examples -------- >>> from hic3defdr.util.clusters import cluster_to_slices >>> cluster = [(4, 5), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)] >>> width = 5 >>> slices = cluster_to_slices(cluster, width=width) >>> slices (slice(1, 6, None), slice(3, 8, None)) >>> slices[0].stop - slices[0].start == width True >>> slices[1].stop - slices[1].start == width True """ w = int((width - 1) / 2) r_idx, c_idx = zip(*cluster) r_center = int(np.mean(r_idx)) c_center = int(np.mean(c_idx)) return slice(r_center - w, r_center + w + 1), \ slice(c_center - w, c_center + w + 1)
[docs]def filter_clusters_by_distance(clusters, min_dist, max_dist): """ Filters a list of clusters by distance. Parameters ---------- clusters : list of list of tuple The outer list is a list of clusters. Each cluster is a list of (i, j) tuples marking the position of significant points which belong to that cluster. min_dist, max_dist : int or None Specify a range of distances in bin units to filter by (inclusive). If either ``min_dist`` or ``max_dist`` is None, the distance bin will be considered unbounded on that end. Returns ------- list of list of tuple The clusters that are within the distance range requested. """ dist_idx = np.ones(len(clusters), dtype=bool) dist = np.array([np.mean([j-i for i, j in c]) for c in clusters]) if min_dist is not None: dist_idx[dist < min_dist] = False if max_dist is not None: dist_idx[dist > max_dist] = False return [c for idx, c in zip(dist_idx, clusters) if idx]
[docs]def cluster_to_loop_id(cluster, chrom, resolution): """ Makes a cluster into a loop id of the form "chr:start-end_chr:start-end". This is a copy of ``hiclite.util.clusters.make_loop_id_for_cluster()``. Parameters ---------- cluster : set of tuple of int The tuples should be `(row_index, col_index)` tuples specifying which entries of the chromosomal contact matrix belong to this cluster. chrom : str The chromsome name, e.g. 'chr21'. resolution : int The resolution of the contact matrix referred to by `cluster`. Returns ------- str The loop id, a string of the form "chr:start-end_chr:start-end". Examples -------- >>> from hic3defdr.util.clusters import cluster_to_loop_id >>> cluster = [(4, 5), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)] >>> cluster_to_loop_id(cluster, 'chrX', 10000) 'chrX:30000-50000_chrX:40000-70000' """ x_indices, y_indices = zip(*cluster) return '%s:%s-%s_%s:%s-%s' % ( chrom, min(x_indices) * resolution, (max(x_indices) + 1) * resolution, chrom, min(y_indices) * resolution, (max(y_indices) + 1) * resolution )
[docs]def cluster_from_string(cluster_string): """ If a cluster gets converted to a string (e.g., when the cluster is written to a text file), this function allows you to recover the cluster as a normal Python object (a list of pairs of integers). Parameters ---------- cluster_string : str The string representation of the cluster. Returns ------- list of list of int The inner lists are pairs of integers specifying the row and column indices of the pixels in the cluster. Examples -------- >>> from hic3defdr.util.clusters import cluster_from_string >>> cluster = [(4, 5), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)] >>> cluster_string = str(cluster) >>> cluster_string '[(4, 5), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)]' >>> cluster_from_string(cluster_string) [[4, 5], [3, 4], [3, 5], [3, 6]] """ return json.loads( cluster_string.replace('(', '[') .replace('{', '[') .replace(')', ']') .replace('}', ']') )
[docs]def hiccups_to_clusters(hiccups_txt, resolution): """ Loads HiCCUPS-format loop calls as clusters, approximating each loop as a cluster with just one pixel. Parameters ---------- hiccups_txt : str The HiCCUPS-format loop call file to load. resolution : int The resolution to use for the clusters. Returns ------- dict of list of clusters The keys of the dict are chromosome names as strings. The values are lists of clusters on that chromosome. Each clusters is a list of [x, y] pairs representing the row and column indices of the pixels in that cluster. """ # load table from disk df = pd.read_csv(hiccups_txt, sep='\t') # we will approximate each loop as a cluster with one pixel df['centroid1rounded'] = (df['centroid1'] / resolution).astype(int) df['centroid2rounded'] = (df['centroid2'] / resolution).astype(int) clusters = {} for chrom in df['chr1'].unique(): subset = df[(df['chr1'] == chrom) & (df['chr2'] == chrom)] clusters['chr%s' % chrom if 'chr' not in chrom else chrom] = [ [tuple(v)] for v in subset[['centroid1rounded', 'centroid2rounded']].values ] return clusters