Source code for hic3defdr.util.filtering

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

from hic3defdr.util.banded_matrix import BandedMatrix

[docs]def filter_sparse_rows_count(matrix, min_nnz=25, k=300): """ Wipes the sparse bins (both rows and columns) of a matrix, where "sparse" means that the bin has less than ``min_nnz`` nonzero interactions with both the ``k`` nearest upstream and downstream bins. This function wipes with zeros and will eliminate the wiped positions if ``matrix`` is a CSR format sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix : np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, or BandedMatrix The matrix to wipe sparse bins from. min_nnz : int The minimum number of nonzero contacts a bin has to make in either direction (upstream or downstream) to escape being wiped. k : int How many bins upstream or downstream to look when counting the number of nonzero contacts a bin makes in a given direction. Returns ------- np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, or BandedMatrix The filtered matrix. """ matrix = matrix.copy() if min_nnz == 0 or k == 0: return matrix if isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): # matrix already supports row/col indexing # BandedMatrix can be created directly from matrix bm = BandedMatrix.from_ndarray(matrix, max_range=k) else: if BandedMatrix.is_bandedmatrix(matrix): bm = matrix elif isinstance(matrix, sparse.spmatrix): if not isinstance(matrix, sparse.csr_matrix): # incoming matrix doesn't support row/col indexing, convert it matrix = matrix.tocsr() # create BandedMatrix directly from sparse matrix bm = BandedMatrix(matrix, max_range=k) else: raise ValueError('invalid input type') bm.symmetrize() us_rows = np.where((bm.offsets >= -k) & (bm.offsets < 0))[0] ds_rows = np.where((bm.offsets <= k) & (bm.offsets > 0))[0] deleted_indices = (np.sum([us_rows, :] > 0, axis=0) < min_nnz) & \ (np.sum([ds_rows, :] > 0, axis=0) < min_nnz) if isinstance(matrix, sparse.csr_matrix): keep_indices_csr = sparse.diags([~deleted_indices], [0], dtype=int) matrix = matrix = else: deleted_indices = np.where(deleted_indices)[0] matrix[:, deleted_indices] = 0 matrix[deleted_indices, :] = 0 return matrix