Source code for hic3defdr.util.lrt

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats

from hic3defdr.util.scaled_nb import logpmf, fit_mu_hat

[docs]def lrt(raw, f, disp, design, refit_mu=True): """ Performs a likelihood ratio test on raw data ``raw`` given scaling factors ``f`` and dispersion ``disp``. Parameters ---------- raw, f, disp : np.ndarray Matrices of raw values, combined scaling factors, and dispersions, respectively. Rows correspond to pixels, columns correspond to replicates. design : np.ndarray Describes the grouping of replicates into conditions. Rows correspond to replicates, columns correspond to conditions, and values should be True where a replicate belongs to a condition and False otherwise. Returns ------- pvalues : np.ndarray The LRT p-values per pixel. llr : np.ndarray The log likelihood ratio per pixel. mu_hat_null, mu_hat_alt : np.ndarray The fitted mean parameters under the null and alt models, respectively, per pixel. """ if refit_mu: mu_hat_null = fit_mu_hat(raw, f, disp) mu_hat_alt = np.array( [fit_mu_hat(raw[:, design[:, c]], f[:, design[:, c]], disp[:, design[:, c]]) for c in range(design.shape[1])]).T else: mu_hat_null = np.mean(raw / f, axis=1) mu_hat_alt = np.array( [np.mean(raw[:, design[:, c]] / f[:, design[:, c]], axis=1) for c in range(design.shape[1])]).T mu_hat_alt_wide =, design.T) null_ll = np.sum(logpmf(raw, mu_hat_null[:, None] * f, disp), axis=1) alt_ll = np.sum(logpmf(raw, mu_hat_alt_wide * f, disp), axis=1) llr = null_ll - alt_ll pvalues = stats.chi2(design.shape[1] - 1).sf(-2 * llr) return pvalues, llr, mu_hat_null, mu_hat_alt