Source code for hic3defdr.util.progress

[docs]def context(): """ Infers the context in which the current program is being executed. Returns ------- str The context, either 'colab', 'jupyter', 'ipython', or 'terminal'. """ try: ipy_str = str(type(get_ipython())) if 'colab' in ipy_str: return 'colab' if 'zmqshell' in ipy_str: return 'jupyter' if 'terminal' in ipy_str: return 'ipython' except NameError: return 'terminal'
try: if context() in ['jupyter', 'colab']: from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm else: from tqdm import tqdm tqdm_avail = True import tqdm as tqdm_module except ImportError: tqdm_avail = False tqdm_module = None tqdm = None
[docs]def tqdm_maybe(iter, **kwargs): """ Drop-in replacement from ``tqdm.tqdm()`` except will simply do nothing if ``tqdm`` is not present and will use ``tqdm.tqdm_notebook()`` if run in a notebook. Parameters ---------- iter : iterable The iterable to wrap. kwargs : kwargs Will be passed through to ``tqdm.tqdm()``. Returns ------- iterator Wrapped by ``tqdm`` if it was installed, or just ``iter`` otherwise. """ if tqdm_avail: return tqdm(iter, **kwargs) return iter