Source code for hic3defdr.util.simulation

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import scipy.stats as stats
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage

from lib5c.util.distributions import freeze_distribution

from hic3defdr.util.scaled_nb import mvr
from hic3defdr.util.printing import eprint

[docs]def perturb_cluster(matrix, cluster, effect, respect_zeros=True): """ Perturbs a specific cluster in a contact matrix with a given effect. Operates in-place. Based on a notebook linked here: Parameters ---------- matrix : scipy.sparse.spmatrix The contact matrix. Must support slicing. cluster : list of tuple of int A list of (i, j) tuples marking the position of points which belong to the cluster which we want to perturb. effect : float The effect to apply to the cluster. Values in ``matrix`` under the cluster footprint will be shifted by this proportion of their original value. respect_zeros : bool Pass True to preserve the sparsity structure of ``matrix`` if it is sparse. Has no effect if ``matrix`` is dense. """ # come up with a rectangle that covers the cluster with a 1px buffer rs, cs = map(np.array, zip(*cluster)) r_min = max(np.min(rs) - 1, 0) r_max = min(np.max(rs) + 1, matrix.shape[0] - 1) c_min = max(np.min(cs) - 1, 0) c_max = min(np.max(cs) + 1, matrix.shape[1] - 1) r_size = r_max - r_min + 1 c_size = c_max - c_min + 1 r_slice = slice(r_min, r_max + 1) c_slice = slice(c_min, c_max + 1) # build up the effect footprint footprint = np.zeros((r_size, c_size), dtype=float) footprint[rs - r_min, cs - c_min] = 1 struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) footprint += ndimage.binary_dilation( footprint, structure=struct) footprint /= 2 # apply the effect footprint if isinstance(matrix, sparse.spmatrix) and respect_zeros: s = matrix[r_slice, c_slice] s_coo = s.tocoo() r_read_idx = s_coo.row c_read_idx = s_coo.col r_write_idx = r_read_idx + r_min c_write_idx = c_read_idx + c_min new_values = s.toarray() * footprint * effect matrix[r_write_idx, c_write_idx] += new_values[r_read_idx, c_read_idx] else: matrix[r_slice, c_slice] += matrix[r_slice, c_slice].toarray() * \ footprint * effect
[docs]def simulate(row, col, mean, disp_fn, bias, size_factors, clusters, beta=0.5, p_diff=0.4, trend='mean', verbose=True): """ Simulates raw contact matrices based on ``mean`` and ``disp_fn`` using ``bias`` and ``size_factors`` per simulated replicate and perturbing the loops specified in ``clusters`` with an effect size of ``beta`` and direction chosen at random for ``p_diff`` fraction of clusters. Parameters ---------- row, col : np.ndarray Row and column indices identifying the location of pixels in ``mean``. mean : np.ndarray Vector of mean values for each pixel to use as a base to simulate from. disp_fn : function Function that returns a dispersion given a mean or distance (as specified by ``trend``). Will be used to determine the dispersion values to use during simulation. bias : np.ndarray Rows are bins of the full contact matrix, columns are to-be-simulated replicates. Each column represents the bias vector to use for simulating that replicate. size_factors : np.ndarray Vector of size factors to use for simulating for each to-be-simulated replicate. To use a different size factor at different distance scales, pass a matrix whose rows correspond to distance scales and whose columns correspond to replicates. clusters : list of list of tuple The outer list is a list of clusters which represent the locations of loops. Each cluster is a list of (i, j) tuples marking the position of pixels which belong to that cluster. beta : float The effect size of the loop perturbations to use when simulating. Perturbed loops will be strengthened or weakened by this fraction of their original strength. p_diff : float or list of float Pass a single float to specify the probability that a loop will be perturbed across the simulated conditions. Pass four floats to specify the probabilities of all four specific perturbations: up in A, down in A, up in B, down in B. The remaining loops will be constitutive. trend : 'mean' or 'dist' Whether ``disp_fn`` returns the smoothed dispersion as a function of mean or of interaction distance. verbose : bool Pass False to silence reporting of progress to stderr. Returns ------- classes : np.ndarray Vector of ground-truth class labels used for simulation with 'U7' dtype. gen : generator of ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` Generates the simulated raw contact matrices for each simulated replicate, in order. """ eprint(' assigning cluster classes', skip=not verbose) p = [1 - p_diff, p_diff/4, p_diff/4, p_diff/4, p_diff/4] \ if type(p_diff) == float else [1 - sum(p_diff)] + list(p_diff) classes = np.random.choice( np.array(['constit', 'up A', 'down A', 'up B', 'down B'], dtype='U7'), size=len(clusters), p=p) # adjust indexing to make mean nonzero nonzero_idx = mean > 0 row = row[nonzero_idx] col = col[nonzero_idx] mean = mean[nonzero_idx] assert np.all(mean > 0) eprint(' perturbing clusters', skip=not verbose) mean_a_csr = sparse.coo_matrix( (mean, (row, col)), shape=(bias.shape[0], bias.shape[0])).tocsr() mean_b_csr = sparse.coo_matrix( (mean, (row, col)), shape=(bias.shape[0], bias.shape[0])).tocsr() for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters): if classes[i] == 'up A': perturb_cluster(mean_a_csr, cluster, beta) elif classes[i] == 'down A': perturb_cluster(mean_a_csr, cluster, -beta) elif classes[i] == 'up B': perturb_cluster(mean_b_csr, cluster, beta) elif classes[i] == 'down B': perturb_cluster(mean_b_csr, cluster, -beta) # convert to COO mean_a_coo = mean_a_csr.tocoo() mean_b_coo = mean_b_csr.tocoo() del mean_a_csr del mean_b_csr # confirm index alignment assert np.all(mean_a_coo.row == row) assert np.all(mean_b_coo.row == row) assert np.all(mean_a_coo.col == col) assert np.all(mean_b_coo.col == col) assert np.all( > 0) assert np.all( > 0) eprint(' renaming cluster classes', skip=not verbose) classes[(classes == 'up A') | (classes == 'down B')] = 'A' classes[(classes == 'up B') | (classes == 'down A')] = 'B' eprint(' preparing generator', skip=not verbose) n_sim = size_factors.shape[-1] n_sim_per_cond = int(n_sim / 2) mean_a = mean_b = def gen(): for j, m in zip(range(n_sim), [mean_a]*n_sim_per_cond + [mean_b]*n_sim_per_cond): eprint(' biasing and simulating rep %i/%i' % (j+1, n_sim), skip=not verbose) # compute aggregate bias factor if len(size_factors.shape) == 1: f = bias[row, j] * bias[col, j] * size_factors[j] else: f = bias[row, j] * bias[col, j] * size_factors[col-row, j] assert np.all(f > 0) assert np.all((m * f) > 0) # compute biased mean bm = m * f # establish cov cov = bm if trend == 'mean' else col - row # simulate yield sparse.coo_matrix( (freeze_distribution( stats.nbinom, bm, mvr(bm, disp_fn(cov))).rvs(), (row, col)), shape=(bias.shape[0], bias.shape[0]))\ .tocsr() return classes, gen()