Source code for hic3defdr.util.thresholding

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

from hic3defdr.util.clusters import find_clusters

[docs]def threshold_and_cluster(qvalues, row, col, fdr): """ Thresholds pixels by comparing their q-values to a target FDR and clusters the significant and insignificant pixels. Parameters ---------- qvalues : np.ndarray The qvalue for each pixel under consideration. row, col : np.ndarray The row and column indices corresponding to the qvalues. fdr : float The FDR to threshold on. Returns ------- sig_clusters, insig_clusters : list of set of tuple of int Lists of the significant and insignificant clusters, respectively. """ # threshold on FDR sig_idx = qvalues < fdr insig_idx = qvalues >= fdr # gather and cluster sig and insig points n = max(row.max(), col.max()) + 1 # guess matrix shape sig_points = sparse.coo_matrix( (np.ones(sig_idx.sum(), dtype=bool), (row[sig_idx], col[sig_idx])), shape=(n, n)) insig_points = sparse.coo_matrix( (np.ones(insig_idx.sum(), dtype=bool), (row[insig_idx], col[insig_idx])), shape=(n, n)) sig_clusters = find_clusters(sig_points) insig_clusters = find_clusters(insig_points) return sig_clusters, insig_clusters
[docs]def size_filter(clusters, cluster_size): """ Filters out clusters which are smaller than cluster_size. Parameters ---------- clusters : list of set of tuple of int The clusters to filter. cluster_size : int The minimum size of a cluster needed to pass this filter. Returns ------- list of set of tuple of int The filtered clusters. """ return [c for c in clusters if len(c) >= cluster_size]