Source code for hic3defdr.util.parallelization

from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

import dill

from hic3defdr.util.progress import tqdm_avail, tqdm

def _pack_for_apply(fn, kwargs_list):
    return [dill.dumps((fn, kwargs)) for kwargs in kwargs_list]

def _unpack_for_apply(payload):
    fn, kwargs = dill.loads(payload)
    return fn(**kwargs)

[docs]def parallel_apply(fn, kwargs_list, n_threads=None): """ Applies a function in parallel over a list of kwarg dicts, using a specified number of threads. Parameters ---------- fn : function The function to parallelize. kwargs_list : list of dict The function will be called ``len(kwargs_list)`` times. Each time it is called it will use a different element of this list to determine the kwargs the function will be called with. n_threads : int Specify the number of subprocesses to use for parallelization. Pass -1 to use as many subprocesses as there are CPUs. """ if n_threads == -1: n_threads = cpu_count() pool = Pool(n_threads), _pack_for_apply(fn, kwargs_list)) pool.close() pool.join()
def _pack_for_map(fn, kwargs): return dill.dumps((fn, kwargs)) def _unpack_for_map(payload): fn, kwargs = dill.loads(payload) idx = kwargs['_idx'] del kwargs['_idx'] return idx, fn(**kwargs)
[docs]def parallel_map(fn, kwargs_list, n_threads=None): """ Maps a function in parallel over a list of kwarg dicts, using a specified number of threads. Parameters ---------- fn : function The function to parallelize. kwargs_list : list of dict The function will be called ``len(kwargs_list)`` times. Each time it is called it will use a different element of this list to determine the kwargs the function will be called with. n_threads : int Specify the number of subprocesses to use for parallelization. Pass -1 to use as many subprocesses as there are CPUs. """ # resolve n_threads if n_threads == -1: n_threads = cpu_count() # create a progress bar and result list n = len(kwargs_list) pbar = tqdm(total=n) if tqdm_avail else None result = [None] * n # fill in magic kwarg _idx for i in range(n): kwargs_list[i]['_idx'] = i # callback for apply_async # payload is the return value of _unpack_for_map def update(payload): i, r = payload result[i] = r if tqdm_avail: pbar.update() # process in parallel pool = Pool(n_threads) for kwargs in kwargs_list: pool.apply_async(_unpack_for_map, args=(_pack_for_map(fn, kwargs),), callback=update) pool.close() pool.join() if pbar is not None: pbar.close() return result