hic3defdr.util.parallelization module

hic3defdr.util.parallelization.parallel_apply(fn, kwargs_list, n_threads=None)[source]

Applies a function in parallel over a list of kwarg dicts, using a specified number of threads.

  • fn (function) – The function to parallelize.
  • kwargs_list (list of dict) – The function will be called len(kwargs_list) times. Each time it is called it will use a different element of this list to determine the kwargs the function will be called with.
  • n_threads (int) – Specify the number of subprocesses to use for parallelization. Pass -1 to use as many subprocesses as there are CPUs.
hic3defdr.util.parallelization.parallel_map(fn, kwargs_list, n_threads=None)[source]

Maps a function in parallel over a list of kwarg dicts, using a specified number of threads.

  • fn (function) – The function to parallelize.
  • kwargs_list (list of dict) – The function will be called len(kwargs_list) times. Each time it is called it will use a different element of this list to determine the kwargs the function will be called with.
  • n_threads (int) – Specify the number of subprocesses to use for parallelization. Pass -1 to use as many subprocesses as there are CPUs.